22 Feb 05
Hello Again. Thanks for all the comments on the last blog. I love reading them. Nothing too interesting has been going on around here. Work hasn't begun yet. I'm thinking things will pick up in the next couple of days. I do have a story that happened to me yesterday. I was at the chow hall and I decided that I wanted a carton of milk (like a juice box). I grabben a Skimmed milk. Then I went back to the table and thoroughly enjoyed my fried shrimp. I grabbed my milk, stuck my straw in, and took a big suck through my straw to wash it down. I swallowed a tiny bit of it. Then I froze. I held it in my mouth and grabbed my carton to see if I had accidently grabbed orange juice instead, but it most definately said milk. I bent over with a horrible expression on my face and spit my CURDLED SOUR MILK onto my plate. Then I grabbed a girls water bottle next to me and washed my mouth out. It was so nasty. I have never ever ever tasted sour milk in my life. We squeezed a
little of it out on my plate later, and it was like a blob. So disgusting! Then when we left the chow hall, I wouldn't call it throw up, but some that I had swallowed came back up and then once more when I was in the shower later. How nasty is that?! Then last night I also went through my first SAND STORM. We didn't know up from down and right from left. Thank goodness someome came and picked us up in a bus and took us to our tents. Then some of you know Mandy (Mr. Hovland's niece). She went to the porta-potty the other day at night, and almost sat on a turd the size of a banana! She screamed, came running inside to tell us all, and then took a picture of it. It was pretty funny! Anyway, I supposed that is all I have for you today. Thanks for checking up on me.
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