6 Feb 05
Oh, what a great day I have had today! It all started out knowing that I was no longer going to be working at my security job. Then I talked to my parents this morning, which was really nice. From there, I organized my bags for the big move. I went through all the mail that I have received since I got here. I had to count each piece that I received from my immediate family. I was suprised by the results. I thought that I must be missing some because the numbers don't look right, but they have to be because I haven't thrown away a single piece of mail yet. As the competition stands Mom is in the lead with 12 letters and 3 packages, Rachel and Emily both have 12 letters, Mallory has 11 letters, but she has has 2 packages under her belt. Then I have a ton of letters from the rest of my fan club. If my calculations are right, I average approximately 3 to 4 letters a day! That is better than anyone else here. I must give my shout outs to everyone back home who makes t
his possible. Keep it up! You all are the best. You keep my morale up. That's exactly what I need. THANK YOU!!!! Well, after that, I went to the px and proceded to spend yet even more money, and then I packed my bags, took a two hour nap and went to chow. What a great day! I'll talk to you all soon. -Mere
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