7 Feb 05
What a wonderful day again! I have had two great days in a row. I hope they keep on coming. Last night I decided to play a little volleyball. I haven't really played since 8th grade, so I was a little rusty, but I did pretty good. I ended up doing the splits about 3 times in the sand. I hope I don't get any sand fleas. That wouldn't be good. Then this morning, I didn't roll out of bed until around 10am. I woke up at 8am but decided that there was no hurry to get out of bed. Then we had a 2005 Kuwaiti Dance Party in our tent while we got ready! That was fun. Soon following that we decided that the weather was just too perfect to waste, so the girls and I all put on our swim suits and headed to the pool for a couple hours to worship the sun god for a while. It felt so nice. The pool was about 12 degrees. I swear you could have dropped ice cubes in there, and they wouldn't have melted. It was still fun. Now, I am here writing to you all, and then I have a meetin
g about what will be going on at our mission. I wish you all the best. Chat soon.
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