Monday, April 04, 2005

4 Apr 05

Have any of you ever had to attempt to clean a weapon for like 4 hours? I didn't think so. It is not very much fun; however, when you are a creative genius like myself, you learn how to make your own fun. Andrew and I decided to have not one but TWO water chugging contests. The bottles were 1.5 liters each. In the world of US measurements, that is like a half a gallon! I won the first time and he won the second time. I felt like I was going to puke, but at least I am fully hydrated today. I only peed 5 times in 2 hours, and I mean HAD TO PEE! Good times. The things people do for entertainment. At least it wasn't really hot outside today...just pretty hot. I don't think anything else is planned for the rest of the day. I was supposed to give my class on Preventative Protective Measures in Counteracting Heat Casualties, but for some reason we never got around to it, so I am wondering if I will ever have to give it. Maybe tomorrow or something. Talk to you later!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good wishes - seems to be quite a bit of interest in the place so far, so we're not worried about it selling just looking forward to all this being over, not real wild about living in a fish bowl atmosphere. I cheered when the sign went up out front - as they say on "Extreme Games" - "Let's get it on!!" The whole town looks a bit messy this week since it's annual trash week but that certainly shouldn't affect house hunters. I'm kicked out today from 10a to 8p because of showings so that's a very good thing. I'm sure I can find things to keep myself occupied - if all else fails there's always Sioux Falls. I checked the site and last report there are 25 pictures of the interior and I was told there would be more! Looks spotlessly clean doesn't it!!
Went to see the movie "Beauty Shop" this weekend and loved it - it's a true chick flick but lots of good laughs in it.
109F is a tad warm! Glad to hear you're making like a camel and drinking liters of water - keep it up.
Malachi called me last weekend to ask if we'd be hosts for the reception. What a nice gesture - gotta love that boy!! He said to pass on a "Hey" to you. So consider that done.
Stay well - you're in my thoughts for happy & healthy days. Gracie

3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mere-
Sorry long time no write. It has been busy here! I was in Minneapolis this weekend for a conference and I got to see our old friend paul wiskur. We went out on the town saturday night and danced the night away! It was pretty fun. He sends his love to our little soldier!
I hope you are not turning into forrest gump out there with your gun. remember how he was the fastest to take it apart and put it back together? I can just imagine you doing the same while cleaning it. well, i suppose it helps you pass the time!
Thanks also for the pics. It was so good to see your little face! although the one with your bloody arm made me cringe. be careful!
well, talk later. miss you and love you.

8:39 PM  

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