1 Apr 05
First off, APRIL FOOLS DAY to everyone, and HAPPY B-DAY to you MOM! I hope everyone is being nice with all their trickery today. I am getting kind of angry because I have tried to write 2 other posts, and for some reason it won't let it go onto the webpage. I am getting rather upset. What can you do though! I went for a run this morning, and then had to do some CTT (Common Task Training)--lame! After that, I went back to my nicely airconditioned barracks and proceeded to watch the next 3 episodes of American Idol that mom sent. Love it. Not much else going on here besides sweating my butt off. I'm hoping that statement will become literal. It is beginning to get quite warm in the afternoons. Tonight (friday nights) is Cuban Cigar night, so I might have a couple more pictures later from that. Don't worry, Mom, I don't enjoy it so much as atmosphere with everyone. It's a good time, and it breaks up the monotony of the week. I haven't smoked a real cigarette at all (and I won't). When I do that, is when you have to worry. Have a great day, All, and I'll talk to you later.
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