10 Mar 05
Sorry that I haven't been writing for a couple of days. I have an excuse. I was puking my brains out yesterday. It all started at about 3pm. I had gone for a run yesterday morning, and I guess I didn't hydrate myself very well after it. Then I was all nervous about putting a bid in on a house back home, plus there were other factors as well. So anyway, I started getting a really really bad headache, and I couldn't get off of my bed. I yelled for Yurick to come over to me, and when she did my face was completely white. She dragged me outside. (I must remind you that she is quite a bit smaller than I am) and over the garbage can outside of our door. I stood there for a couple of minutes but couldn't puke, so I decided that I needed to go to the bathroom (in a port-a-potty). I left the door unlocked just incase something happened to me. So I did my business and then I started dry heaving. I kicked the door so that Yurick would come in. So there I am sitting on the
toilet throwing up in the urinal in a portapotty. Talk about miserable! Then I went inside and was okay for a while. I laid down but couldn't sleep, and I started drinking water quicker so rehydrate myself. I would never trust someone to give me an IV of saline to hydrate me faster, but at this point I was desparate, so I asked one of my friends if she'd give me one. I was hoping that she would take like 15 minutes to get all ready so I had time to change my mind, but she was at my side in less than 5 seconds flat! I'm not even kidding. She loves giving IVs. She got it all rigged up and ready and tried to stick the needle in my left arm first. It didn't work too well because when she hooked the bag up it started bubbling which means that the solution was going straight into my arm and not my vein, hence the reason that arm hurts so bad. Also, I must state that it hurt so bad the whole time she was doing it. I had another girl take pictures of the whole thing, and ev
ery single facial expression that I had was true to life. I'll make sure to post one of those when I get back to Arifjan. So after the first arm didn't work she asked if she could try my right arm. I wanted to say no so bad because of how bad the first one hurt, but I agreed. This time she got it to work, but in the process she stuck the needle in as far as it could go. I swear I could feel it in my bicep! When she had to pull the one part out to hook the saline solution to it I could feel warm liquid pouring all over my arm. I started freaking out asking if it was my blood. They swore that it wasn't but wouldn't let me look either. After she had me all rigged up, I found out that it was my precious warm blood running down my arm. (I know how you all like graphic details.) Anyway, they ended up draining 2 bags of the stuff in me really fast. I don't think you are supposed to do it that fast because like 30 minutes after they were done, I started throwing up again,
but this time it was in my shower towel. I held it out infront of me as I ran all the way through the tent again puking the whole way. I even started crying that I wanted my mom. Again I felt better after. It then happened two more times, none of which were very much fun. Eventually, I started feeling slightly better, and I woke up feeling like a new woman. I went to work this morning for a little bit, but I started feeling a little weak so they brought me back to the tents to sleep for a while. Now, I am here. Nothing else has really been going on. We started cleaning up our lanes and getting ready to head back south. I'll tell you everything that we did later. Hope you all have a great day. Glad you could join us, Cassie.
Geez it's easy to see why your Mother hasn't posted yet - you've sent her into shock with that tale!! So glad to hear you're alright - hope you've learned what not to do next time you get in the mood to go out for jog - drink, drink and then drink some more!! You're not "near Kanas any more Dorothy!!" You gotta drink like those frigging camel do for a dessert crossing!!
We had a nice snow here this morning - we spent the day in Sioux Falls at meetings again - I drove 2201 miles this past week - all for Rotary - yikes and that way just in South Dakota/NW Iowa - amazing!! Stay well - Hugs, Gracie
Hey Mere-
Its me Mal. I am at home and can't seem to remember my password to sign in as myself. Oh well. I am sorry to hear about your IV. It reminds me of that time when I got my Wisdom teeth out and the dumb blonde nurse took 3 times to get my IV in. And the one time when she messed up, it felt like blood was just gushing out on my arm. I feel your pain.
Well not much new going on here. Just hanging out and I love it. I got my iRiver all working. I think I put about 800 songs on your computer. I hope you enjoy them.
Glad you made it back to Arifjan alright. I have been home for 4 days and have already been to the devil (Wal mart) 3 times. I hate that place. Went in for one thing, and of course they didn't have it. AAHHHH!
I get my hair cut tomorrow. I can not wait. It is getting pretty long. Well I better sign off since I don't have anything else to say. I hope you enjoy the next dvd you get, it is priceless.
Hi mere!
It sounds like you had quite the ordeal with the IV situation. Why were you running in the desert? That sounds like the one thing I would be least likely to do in my lifetime. Glad to hear you are feeling better.
Well, not much new here. How long does it take to get stuff to you? I need to know before I send my next pkg. I had an exciting day here at work, we had a standoff with a police officer shooting a suspect. Pretty fun! It got all of our blood pumping. Well, take care and don't do too much.
We love you,
Cassie and Jaminky
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