Monday, May 16, 2005

16 May 05

Hi Guys! Four days without writing. My first couple of days were so uninteresting that I chose not to write, and then the last couple of days have been busy because Andrew got back from Qatar. He had a great time, and I am so glad he is back. Saturday was pretty uneventful besides when I went to the pool when it was dark. That was kind of fun because there were only like 4 other people in the pool. Then Sunday we headed back to the pool in the morning and stayed until 5pm. I had such a headache that I thought I was going to throw up. I guess that's what you get when you don't drink enough water, don't eat lunch, and sit in the sun all day long! I took 1000 mgs of Extra Strength Tylonal, had dinner chow, and felt like a million bucks! Now Andrew, Drue, Emmy, and I are off to teach a Fratenization class to our peers. It should be a blast. I'm going to try to get some pictures of it. Glad to see Andree is a new blogger...WELCOME! Best get going. We have to help set up. Chat later.


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