Monday, January 31, 2005

he w31 Jan 05

Wow...can't believe it. One month has already gone by. THANK GOODNESS! It hasn't been that bad. My first couple of weeks were a walk in the park (hanging out all day, and taking naps in the morning). Then the week after that it was all about wash rack. Yuck. And now my week of Security is over. In about a short time from now, I will be heading to a different base for about 2 months. (Yeah, they made it longer last night.) It is not going to be as luxurious as this one is here. I won't even have internet access. What am I going to do?!? Make sure you check back from time to time to see if anything is posted. I am putting Mallory in charge of my blog while I am away. She will add details of my where and what abouts that I am doing. You all better best believe that I will have STORIES when I get back from where I am going. The heat will be in full swing by then. Also, Barb jumped into first place because she had a bunch of her students (39 to be exact as of yest
erday) send me typed letters from her Advanced Keyboarding class. They were all really sweet. I will finish the last of the letters today. Each student received a personalized letter from me. Not a single one was a duplicate of another. Thanks again for that Barb. As soon as I am allowed to tell you where I am going, I will let you know so you can put a pushpin in the map to follow me. That's so cute. Anyway, I best be going. My day of work here is going slow. Good deal for me. Talk to you soon.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

30 January 2005

Life is getting pretty busy, especially since it is election day! Everyone is extra crazy with caution. I am all about it. We have bumped up security everywhere. I don't feel as though I am in danger. So don't worry about me. I finally got a picture of NIPPLES! The only thing is that her nipples already started shrinking. I'm kind of bummed out. Oh, well. At least it is something. I'll post the picture later. Maybe on Wed. That is supposed to be about my day off. I got to go inspect vehicles. Talk later.

Friday, January 28, 2005

This is the Hadjis posing on thier forklift that they were all riding on. It was such a site to see. Posted by Hello

Here is me and Doucette posing with the Hadjis. They loved getting their picture taken. Posted by Hello

Here is me with my weapon and body armor. I look fierce, don't I?! Posted by Hello

Here is me and Knott in our hard hats. My blue one is a shout out to Tim. Posted by Hello

Thursday, January 27, 2005

27 Jan 05

Boy did I get some good pictures today! I will put them on here as soon as I get the chance. I'll have to do it early in the morning or something. At night when I actually get back from work, the computers are full, and they tend to run very slowly. I never got a picture of the dog, but I did get some with the locals! I was so happy. We also broke up the monotony of the day by asking each other trivia questions over the walkie talkies! Guess what person's useless knowledge came into play after all the years of having bottled up?!?! That would be me. I still have 3 more 2 hour rotations left for the day, but 2 of those 3 are breaks. Good thing. I am really tired today. I didn't get any breaks all morning.**Last night when I was on my last shift, it was already dark, and I could see them shooting fireworks off in town. It looked really pretty. The first one scared the crap out of me of course, but the rest were nice. I'm not sure what the celebration was here, bu
t it must have been some sort of holiday. Talk soon.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

26 Jan 05

My first full day of work and nothing interesting happened at all. I drove a humvee, but that is about it. I tried to get a picture of the white dog's nipples, but it didn't work. She moved right when I was taking it. It is nice that we have internet access here at work. I don't mind this job so much. I never got a nap, but the opportunity was there. Take care.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

25 Jan 05

So it wasn't as great as I thought it would be to have the second day of work off. I was kind of bored. Yurick and I hung out all day, but nothing grand happened beside that I finished my 467 pg book in under 3 days! It was really good. If you need a good read, check out REDEEMING LOVE. I can't remember the authors name. Thanks for the book Jane and Ashley. Yurick started it shortly after I finished it and is already like 60 pgs in. I don't really have much else to report. I plan on taking my camera to work tomorrow to see what kind of choice shots I can get. Maybe I'll get one of the big nippled dog! Talk to you soon. -Mere

Monday, January 24, 2005

24 Jan 05...continued

So I remember one other thing that happened out there today. For some reason, there are stray dogs all over the place. They are like garbage dogs or something. Well, some how this gross starving white (dirty) dog with big nipples came running up and jumped on my back! I'm wondering what shots I need to get NOW! I threatened to kick it and had my leg ready to give it internal bleeding, and then recoiled. Sorry to all you dog lovers, but when I have sand flea bites all over me from it, even you will understand why I was going to do what I was going to do. It didn't bite or anything, and there was no white foam coming from its mouth. Anyway, it got chased back out of the gates, and I was okay. (MALZ-please don't have nightmares from this horrific thought!) -Mere

24 Jan 05...continued

So I remember one other thing that happened out there today. For some reason, there are stray dogs all over the place. They are like garbage dogs or something. Well, some how this gross starving white (dirty) dog with big nipples came running up and jumped on my back! I'm wondering what shots I need to get NOW! I threatened to kick it and had my leg ready to give it internal bleeding, and then recoiled. Sorry to all you dog lovers, but when I have sand flea bites all over me from it, even you will understand why I was going to do what I was going to do. It didn't bite or anything, and there was no white foam coming from its mouth. Anyway, it got chased back out of the gates, and I was okay. (MALZ-please don't have nightmares from this horrific thought!) -Mere

24 Jan 05

What a day for security! I appologize for not taking my camera the first day because I saw some interesting things. There may not have been a camel or even an ancestor spider, but I did see some crazy activity out there. First of all, as soon as I got up into my post, I look to my 10 o'clock and see a rat, YES A RAT, the size of a mid-size CAT! I am not even exaggerating! The tail had to have been a foot long! I was so happy it was on the other side of the wall. I did have my ammo lock in my weapon but decided against having the whole security force by my side when they heard gun shots! Then a little bit later, a car drove by, they stopped, got out with all their garb on and the driver started walking straight out from his door and the passenger started walking straight out from his door. It was almost like they were counting their paces. Then they bent down and started digging in the dirty sand. You know me, I start freaking out in my stand. They were way far awa
y from me, so I knew I wasn't going to be harmed. Then they got up and drove off. WEIRD! I reported it, but apparently they do it all the time. Then for a different funny story. I was supposed to be in my stand over lunch, so a guy came and covered my post while I went to get my food. I had to come back and eat it in my stand. I got all the way back with it, got up in my seat, was just about to eat it when it fell off my lap. My lunch was ruined! Some of it landed on my warm shirt that I had taken off, so I considered it edible. Ketchup is all over my poly pro now. Oh well. I had eaten a HOOAH bar earlier. Don't worry family, I will be sending some of those home in the next package I think. After I got done with that particular shift in the stand, I was told that I am going home (to the tents) and I had the next day off! How great is that?!? I only ended up working a half day. Good deal. Hope you enjoyed my day! Have a great day!
P.S. Enough talk about me washing your cars when I get home because the pressure washers that we use make me stagger backwards everytime I squeeze the handle, and they'd blow the paint right off your cars (especially yours Ames!) AND Double A: That comment really made me crack up about the porta potties. Later.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Here is where the buses get parked, but after yesterday's rain, it is now Bus Lake. I think one was floating a little bit yesterday. I can't remember if that is what I heard. Good thing mom sent me my swimming suit! Can't wait to swim with the sand fleas and camel spiders! Posted by Hello

Ok, so I of all people know how gross it is to think of port-a-potties floating away, but that is exactly what these are doing. They originally were lined up against the cement wall thing in the back ground! Sick, huh?!! Posted by Hello

23 Jan 04

You guys crack me up! I love reading the comments. People look at me when I am reading them because I am cracking up out loud. I have to try to stifle my chuckles. I'm glad I got to talk to my family the other day. It was nice to use minute for minute on my calling card instead of the usual 10 for 1. I had to walk all the way across base to get that luxury though. Oh well. Anyway, yesterday we were supposed to have washrack detail yet again. I told them that my dad said it was going to rain the next day while we were there and their comment was, "That's not what intel said." And I came back with, "What kind of intel do you think we have? My dad checked the only place you need to check!" and of course as usual, I was right. Thanks Dad! They are so dense around here sometime. Anyway, at washrack, they were so unorganized that we ended up standing outside in the rain from 7am-roughly1pm because they didn't have the trucks for us to wash, so they made some people go and get them. It was rediculous! We never did wash anything. I was certainly okay with that, but it messed up my whole schedule of doing nothing for the day. Heck, I didn't even get my morning nap in. Tomorrow night I start my guard shift. It isn't anything too dangerous; however, I will have live ammo on me. Em, I cracked up at the comment about the high lifeguard stand. I don't know exactly what to expect. I will try to get pics of me doing all my tasks at my new night job, but they won't come until the next week because we can't take pictures while our "trainers" are still there. I'm going to post some pics from the big rain we got yesterday and last night. Enjoy. Love you lots! -Mere

Friday, January 21, 2005

Here is a shot of some people's belongings after the fire extinguisher stuff got all over their stuff. Crappy deal. Glad I sleep on the other side of the tent! Posted by Hello

This is the wonderful shot of Lt. putting out the fire. Thank God nobody was hurt, and thank goodness our Karoscene (sp) soaked tent didn't go up in flames! Posted by Hello

21 Jan 05

Hello once again. Sorry for the break in communication for a couple of days. I was busy at the washrack getting soaked to the bone. A girl from my squad took a picture of me, so I'm going to see if I can get it posted on here some time. FINALLY everyone, I have a job. I guess it starts Monday night. I am pulling night security here. I will have live ammo and everything. Don't worry. I'll be posting a picture of me in my full battle rattle as soon as I get the chance. You never really think about me carrying around a fully loaded weapon now, do you? I'm a safe girl. Nothing bad will happen. The only kind of crappy thing about this job is that the shifts are 12 hours long. Not my idea of fun considering I take a nap 3 hours after I wake up for the day. It will take some adjusting to get back on your time schedule since I will be up all night and sleeping all day. I have a meeting on the subject this morning, so hopefully, I'll get some more information. Also, I
'm hoping to get a picture posted soon of the fire we had last night in the tent. Nough said! Nobody sustained any injuries. Thank goodness. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I'm safe and thinking of you all often. I check my blog whenever I get the chance to see what people are commenting on. Have a great day! -Mere

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Here is a pic of Bush and I in our new Oakley sunglasses that we bought from a Hadji shop outside of the PX. They were only $4! Can you believe the deal we got!?! Bush's first pair she tried on had one lens tinted darker than the other, so she took them back. The 'O' on the side also fell out, but that's okay. They work great for eye protection when you have wash rack detail! (They also sell Louis Vhetton purses for SUPER cheap!) Let me know if anyone is in need. Last week they had 2 or 3 of them.  Posted by Hello

Monday, January 17, 2005

17 Jan 05

I hope everyone had a great weekend and watched the Vikings Game even though they lost. (Is is a big suprise?!) I don't know if the commercial was aired or not, but I hope it was. Let me know what you thought about it. I didn't do too terribly much this weekend (suprise suprise), but I did attend a sexual harassment class again. Apparently, we can't get enough of it. Then we had our squad fun night like we have every Sunday evening. It is a good time for our squad to take time and get to know each other better. We went around in a circle and told each other about ourselves. It was nice. Then we held hands and sang songs together. j/k man. Washing laundry was a fiasco as usual. All the darn civilian contractor people decided that they wanted to do laundry at the same time as me, and they put their crap in the dryer until it was so dry that it was nearly smoking. I'm sorry but I do think that we as soldier should have first dibs on everything, to include the front
row at the comedian show! Thanks for letting me vent. I feel better now. I appreciate the support you all give me. Have a great week, and I'll try to get some more pictures for you all. Later. -Mere

Saturday, January 15, 2005


Just a quick little note to watch the Vikings game Jan. 15, 2005. I think it is airing in the afternoon for you guys because it will be nighttime here. My company selected a few people to represent us in a commercial thing recognizing the troops or something. I am NOT one of them, but it will be the people I am with, so everyone should check it out. Watch the commercials between the game to see it. Take care.

14 Jan 05

Ok, ok, so I finally did some work here after 13 days! Today my squad had wash rack detail. It was alright considering it was the perfect day outside, and I only had 2 trailors to do, plus I had a partner to help me. We wanted to have a water fight, but the powers that be told us that we couldn't spray each other with the pressure washer. We were done by 2pm unlike most of the groups that don't get home until 8 or 9pm. When one of the girls were cleaning out the trailor, a lizard crawled up her arm. She calmly put it elsewhere and kept washing. Could you believe if a lizard crawled on me!?!?! I would have s#$t my pants, for real! A few days ago, one of our guys found an alive camel spider. Again, I would have quit right there on the spot. I don't know if any of my vehicles had any critters running around because I refused to stick my fingers up any holes to find out. I received my third shipment of mail last night, and the new standings are in: 2 from Mal and Emil
y and 1 from Mom, Jerrick, and Rae. When the girls pass out the mail they toss my pile of mail at me. I think they are jealous. I told some of the girls that they would be receiving mail from those of you that said you would mail them, so DO NOT DISAPPOINT! Mail is really great to receive. (Packages too.) We went to some comedians as well. I laughed so hard. They are from the Los Angelos area and do tours around the US, and they've overseas for the soldiers. I had a great time. I can't think of anything else that happened to me, so I best be checking out for the day. Have a great day everyone, and talk to you soon!

Friday, January 14, 2005

13 Jan 05

Ok, ok, so I finally did some work here after 13 days! Today my squad had wash rack detail. It was alright considering it was the perfect day outside, and I only had 2 trailors to do, plus I had a partner to help me. We wanted to have a water fight, but the powers that be told us that we couldn't spray each other with the pressure washer. We were done by 2pm unlike most of the groups that don't get home until 8 or 9pm. When one of the girls were cleaning out the trailor, a lizard crawled up her arm. She calmly put it elsewhere and kept washing. Could you believe if a lizard crawled on me!?!?! I would have s#$t my pants, for real! A few days ago, one of our guys found an alive camel spider. Again, I would have quit right there on the spot. I don't know if any of my vehicles had any critters running around because I refused to stick my fingers up any holes to find out. I received my second shipment of mail last night, and the new standings are in: 2 from Mal and 1 f
rom Mom, Em, and Rae. When the girls pass out the mail they toss my pile of mail at me. I think they are jealous. I told some of the girls that they would be receiving mail from those of you that said you would mail them, so DO NOT DISAPPOINT! Mail is really great to receive. (Packages too.) I can't think of anything else that happened to me, so I best be checking out for the day. Have a great day everyone, and talk to you soon!

It was nice enough for five comedians to grace us with their humor last night. I was concerned that they wouldn't be funny, but I laughed my butt off. They tour all around the united states, and they've been overseas like 13 times they said. I had a good belly roll! Posted by Hello

Darn near the funniest thing I've seen since I got here! Austin (HIV) got a hat, gloves, and hot pink granny panties in a package. She was running around posing for us all. We were rolling! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

11 Jan 05

Today was a day much like every other day here. I got up, worked out, went to breakfast, took a shower, went to the internet cafe (Jerrick wasn't on to chat so instead I looked up information on the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas.) Good times. After that I went back to my room to read some more from my book on investing and fell asleep. I slept for about an hour and then went to lunch. Shortly after that I made a trip to the PX to get a rag to clean the screen of my laptop. I already have a can of air for when it gets really windy. Me and three other people played LIFE (the boardgame). Then I tried to help my battle buddy, Yurick, who is ailing from a fever and has 2 small pox bumps instead of 1. She should be okay. Hopefully. That brings me to right now where I am sitting outside of the internet cafe once again. It's about 50 degrees, so my fingers are getting a little cold, and it is hard to type. I'll try to get some pictures on here tomorrow. Take care. -Mer

GUESS WHAT YESTERDAY WAS?!?! MAIL DAY! I got me first pieces of mail. I feel bad because I had 3/4 of the mail. Literally. I received 13 letters. One from Randy's, Kim, Irene, and Tammy. Then 2 from Mallory, 3 from Rachel, and a whopping four (4) from Mom!!! Keep the mail a comin'! I'm loving it! Posted by Hello

Can anyone guess what kind of soda this is??? If your guess was SPRITE then you are correct! I bought one in the pop machine at the phone area. I thought it was worthy of being added to the site.  Posted by Hello

Monday, January 10, 2005

This is Bush and I playing around. She has a rope around her neck, and I am pulling. Posted by Hello

This was day 9 of being here and already were were bored so we decided to "Hang Ourselves Out to Dry." Good times. Posted by Hello

This is an update of my Small Pox Vaccination. The black spot in the middle is where the sore opened an allowed the puss to drain. Also, imagine a 3 inch in diameter circle around it because it had one yesterday. Eventually, it will scab over completely and then fall off leaving only a scar. Posted by Hello

10 Jan 05

I would just like everyone to know that today is Jerrick and my 2 Year Anniversary of being together. Crazy how time flies when you never see the other person. Just kidding. Also, I am going to try to get some new pictures posted today that some of the girls and I took last night. We are a riot! It just started downporing (sp) outside. It rained all night too. The sand/dirt/clay was just mud. It is beginning to soak into the ground now. I better get going. Blog you later. -Mere

Sunday, January 09, 2005

The inside of our DFAC (Dining Facility). Posted by Hello

A shot of our commons area. I have not tried them yet, but apparently the pizza gives you the runs and the meat from Subway is not the same meat you would find in the states. Posted by Hello

Me and Bush. Yes, she is related to my commander in chief (G.W. Bush). Posted by Hello

Me next to a stop sign. All of them are in arabic as well. Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 08, 2005

8 January 2005

This website is turning out better than I thought possible. I love reading your comments back to me. I hope you are enjoying the pictures. Today was a day dedicated to not much. I went and worked out at 0500 (5am) so as to get a good start on the day. That was followed by breakfast, shower, a trip to the internet cafe (where I am now), the PX, lunch, a brief of sexual harassment and rape, and dinner chow. Can't beat a day like that. The sun was shining beautifully all afternoon, but it got chilly relatively early tonight. It is like in the 40s right now, I'd say. Tonight, I am going to try to use the phones for a few minutes to call home. I still think it is crazy how I am practically getting ready for bed and you are just getting up for the day. We have a 9 hour difference. Have fun doing what you all are doing, and don't slip on the ice! -Mere

This is Mallory in my army gear PRETENDING to be a Cherub. Posted by Hello

A picture of my wonderful family on Christmas Eve before we headed to church and then to the Walders' for our traditional family Christmas. (Jerrick is taking the pictures). Posted by Hello

This is a picture of Jerrick and I at the Walders' home opening Christmas presents.  Posted by Hello

Friday, January 07, 2005

This is a pic of my new battle buddy Yurick. We are standing outside our tent here in Kuwait. Can you see the beautiful shining in the background? I hope you enjoy these pictures. -Mere Posted by Hello

Refer to the blog before this about Saz. She was my first battle buddy. Posted by Hello

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